Master Naturalist Library Partnership Program
Partnering with Local Libraries to Make Master Naturalists Available across the State
One of the Master Naturalist projects for 2016 involves partnering with public libraries throughout the state to make Master Naturalists available to community groups, schools and public libraries for presentations and/or field trips. The pilot for this project, which is a good way to get volunteer hours for certification maintenance, is being coordinated with the Pass Christian Public Library, with hopes of expanding Coast-wide in a year.
Jan Walker is managing this project and would like to obtain your information on the form below if you are interested in participating. This in no way obligates you to do anything, but if you are interested, please complete the form and email it to Jan at Also, feel free to contact Jan if you have any questions regarding this project.
Days/times of the week:
Days of the month:
Counties willing to cover:
Area(s) of Interest – Please select from the list below:
General, plants, birds, butterflies, insects, fish, mammals, turtles, coastal ecology, wetlands, forests, land management, wildlife management, other (please list if other).
Prefer working with (children, adults, or no preference):
Comfortable presenting to groups (Yes or No):
Additional comments:
Thank you for your interest!