Biloxi Majestic Tree Program

Location: Biloxi (within city limits)

Coordinating Agency: City of Biloxi Tree Committee

Contact Name: Christine Davis

Contact Email:


The Tree Committee, as per the City of Biloxi Land Development Ordinance (LDO) is responsible for implementing and monitoring a system designed to designate certain trees as Majestic (see excerpt below).

“The Biloxi Tree Committee shall receive and review applications by property owners for a designation of an individual live oak tree on their property to be designated a "Majestic Oak". If approved by the Committee, such designation will be submitted to the Mayor and City Council for their consideration. If that designation is also approved by the Mayor and City Council or if the City Council otherwise designates a tree a Majestic Oak, then any tree permit involving such Majestic Oak shall be considered a Major Tree Permit and shall require approval of the Tree Committee.”

Designation of these trees is done in accordance with the Garden Clubs of Mississippi’s Société des Arbres: Single trunk trees, any variety, whose circumferences are a minimum of 114 inches when measured four and a half feet above ground are eligible for registration. (114 inches circumference is representative of 100 years of age by the Société.) Please visit their website for additional details:

You can help by visiting each tree identified in the property owner’s application and either verifying or taking initial measurements as per the Société des Arbres's guidelines and reporting those measurements to the Biloxi Tree Committee via email or in person at an official Tree Committee meeting. All trees, Oak or otherwise, that apply for Majestic designation and meet the above mentioned guidelines will be recorded and submitted to Biloxi City leadership for consideration.

When you are notified, you will be asked to report back in no less than 72 hours. Special considerations will be made for weekends and holidays.

Website: Biloxi Tree Committee